I've been trying to find ways to mix protein powder into different foods so we don't need to drink 2 smoothies a day. For breakfast, I tried sneaking a tablespoon of protein powder into each blueberry muffin before baking them. I'm not sure who I thought I was fooling, because my daughter took one bite into her muffin and said, "I know what's in here: protein powder." By the end of the muffin, we both agreed we were used to the taste and liked it. Hooray - and - yikes!
I also baked a loaf of Orgran's bread. It came out bread-like, but it's really plain. I'm hoping to make sandwiches on it for something different. As a side with my soup, I dipped some bread into olive oil with salt and pepper, and that was good.
I had a realization today. When my daughter had a reaction to black beans, I assumed I should just take away all beans. My reasoning was that I didn't want to risk feeding her other beans and having her go through more skin reactions, and I didn't want to delay her schedule for testing foods, thereby making the ED even longer. The result was, I had even fewer meal options without actually knowing if she could eat other beans. Today, I found myself frustrated that I had put myself in this position.
So, I decided to add all beans except black back into her diet and see what happens (which is what her Dr. suggested we do in the first place). She had pinto beans with brown rice and avocado for lunch, and it was the quickest lunch I've prepared in weeks (hallelujah!). So far, no strong reactions from her. I'm so happy to have beans back as an option. And, so glad to have figured this one out sooner rather than later (with a little help from my husband - thanks!).